Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Lazies

I need to tell you's 10:30 and I'm still in my jammies. No, it's not that I lack things I need to do. It's that I lack mo-ti-va-tion! So far today I've made an online book at Snapfish (thanks Oprah), had some breakfast, and got the roomba moving and vacuumed the bathroom myself. I know. Sick and sad. I need to get moving. I've got a birthday present to buy before the party this afternoon, a ton of laundry to tackle, reading and writing to do for a couple classes I'm taking, and I'd like to do some baking today as well.

Wish me luck. One thing I have done is manage to blog each day this far...15 days and counting, 15 more to go.

Happy Saturday to you!